(A prevalent disorder of victimizing youth Repulsive fantasies ingrained) Infectious germ born with the d**h of innocence Able to infiltrate all levels of society from which none are exempt Not friends, clergy, teachers nor bonds of blood Inseminate contagion Deliver malformation Plague of impulsive deviation Hideous manifestation of anomaly Distortion of the perverse Suffering that beckons 'contaminate the pure' Appalling delusion - Deformity of logic
A child enjoys rape and abuse Trauma demands reenactment To re-live and master pain An upper hand in role reversal is the infection of the unspoiled Victimization complete - The birth of a pedophile Cognitive distortions Impure urge for young flesh Human development gone horribly wrong Cerebral dysfunction - Traumatic progression Inclination of sickness imprinted and ingrained