If you want the Sunlight of the Spirit
You must let go of deep resentments
For resentments are not useful
They only lead to unhappiness
To shut you off from the Sunlight of the Spirit
If you want the Sunlight of the Spirit
You must free yourself from anger
You avoid retaliation
you avoid arguments
If you want the Sunlight of the Spirit
So we say
Come on up
to the sunlight of the spirit
Come on up! Come on up!
to the sunlight of the spirit
Come on up! Come on up!
Come on up
When you have the Sunlight of the Spirit
You will know a new freedom and a new happiness
When you have the Sunlight, Sunlight of the Spirit
Feeling abusesness will disappear
So we say
Come on up! Come on up!
Come on up! Come on up!
Come on up! Come on up!
Lehalot lehalot, de ruak dela chebesh