Her wings are as soft as roses And as you might have guessed Although they're made of roses They are fragile none the less See I handed you a book And that book was my life As I recall that moment It was all such sweetness and light You came from california By way of tupelo Yes there were some others before ya you said Ah but you don't need to know So I fell into an ocean But it was her sea green eyes As I recall I was calling It was all such sweetness and light I was moved more by her tears Than I ever was a sermon Got more from every tender kiss Than I ever got from book learning Cannot say why the tides changed Maybe I held on too tight But for a while I was a child And it was all such sweetness and light
She told her friends I'd come to her on some noble steed Ah but it wasn't anything like that Maybe empty-handed and full of need Ah but at least good for a laugh Love makes you better than you really are Sometimes it happens overnight Come with the sunrise You are all sweetness and light Never handed you a single word When you set foot on that leaving coach Yeah it's hard to say I'll miss you girl With a lump in your throat Me well I'm still swimming for shore In those sea green eyes But I recall once before when I was all I recall once before when I was all I remember once before When it was all such sweetness and light Sweetness and light