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All Bill Kirchen Albums
Hammer of the Honky-Tonk Gods (2007)
Devil With the Blue Dress
Get a Little Goner
Hammer of the Honky-Tonk Gods
Hammer of the Honky-Tonk Gods (2007) *
If It's Really Got to Be This Way
Rocks Into Sand
King of Dieselbilly: Cla**ic Kirchen (2005)
Dim Lights, Thick Smoke *
Hot Rod Lincoln *
I Got a Rocket in My Pocket *
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues *
Little Bitty Record *
Looking at the World Through a Windshield *
Truck Stop at the End of the World *
Womb to the Tomb *
Tied to the Wheel (2001)
Hillbilly Truck Drivin' Man *
How Mountain Girls Can Love *
One More Hour of Blues *
Poultry in Motion *
Prison Band *
Quit Feelin' Sorry for You *
Roll Truck Roll *
Tied to the Wheel *
Tryin' to Turn Her Memory Off *
Raise a Ruckus (1999)
Big Hat/No Cattle *
Dreamworld *
Flip Flop *
Fly on Your Jacket *
Interstate *
Let the Fire Burn Out *
Livin' Dangerously *
Man in the Bottom of the Well *
My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own
Raise a Ruckus *
She's a Yum Yum *
True Love's the Treasure *
Hot Rod Lincoln Live! (1997)
Big Mack's off the Blocks *
Cold Country Blues *
Rockin' over China *
Secrets of Love *
Sometimes I Think *
Swing Fever
Tell Me the Reason
The Finger *
Too Much Fun *
Tombstone Every Mile (1994)
Rockabilly Funeral
See all Bill Kirchen songs