Minute by minute by minute by minute
Who's gonna win your heart today
Counting time
And chasing limits
Back to a brand new day
So come follow me
Into the blue
So bright, so deep
Holding something new
Who wins in life
Who wins in the race
Finds you in the dark
Lights up your face
Will give you all the love
So one for the stars
One for the soul
One for your heart
Minute by minute by minute by minute
Who's gonna win your heart today
Hitch a ride with the fastest spinner
Wheels of a turning fate
So come follow me
Into the blue
So bright, so deep
Holding something new
Who wins in life
Who wins in the race
Finds you in the dark
Lights up your face
Will give you all the love
So one for the stars
One for the soul
One for your heart
Who wins in life
Who wins in the race
Finds you in the dark
Lights up your face
Will give you all the love
So one for the stars
One for the soul
One for your heart