You wanna snap every thread
That's unravelling
If you're not careful you'll
Have nothing left on
You keep checking your dam
And your barriers
Smartarse and your taser-tongue
I hate to see you close all
These avenues
You cut and run when push comes
To shove
You say I'm not being facetious
But it's safer than love
What could be safer,
Safer than love?
You get the fear after two
Weeks of squeezing
Remember, breathe in and breathe out
You say a girl eats two kilos
Of lipstick
In her lifetime, and for what?
What could be safer,
Safer than love?
I'll be the gin in your cistern
I'll be whatever you need
I know you never believed
Those Sisters
When they told you about
Those patent shoes
I hope someday you catch
Your reflection
And see how beautiful you are
What could be safer,
Safer than love?