MOISHE Shalom, Aviad. AVIAD COHEN What's up Moishe? MOISHE Wait, you do not wear kippah? AVIAD COHEN So what's the spiel? Why am I here? MOISHE You tell me. AVIAD COHEN All right man. I'm just gonna cut to the challah. OK? AVIAD COHEN I heard you're looking for the real thing. MOISHE But we already have it. Right? AVIAD COHEN Wrong. MOISHE What you bring? AVIAD COHEN Oh it's just my Bible. That's all I need. MOISHE No Talmud? AVIAD COHEN Nah. I'd rather just go with God's Word. MOISHE What is it you say Yeshua's Messiah? AVIAD COHEN Yeah. That's right. You see it's rather simple actually. I know that some of ya'll think that Menachem Mendel Schneerson Is the Messiah, but ya know, It just doesn't line up with God's Word. I mean, it's just not in alignment With prophecy. MOISHE And where do you see? AVIAD COHEN Well here, let me show you in God's Word. OK, here it says in Micah 5:2 how the Ruler over Israel shall come forth from The line of Judah in Beit Lechem. MOISHE What? AVIAD COHEN Now I'm gonna show you how This prophecy's fulfilled. See in the book of Mattithyahu, chapter 2 Verses 1 and 2, there's Yeshua. OK, the one they call Jesus, who was also Born in Beit Lechem of Judea And Herod the King asked,
"Where is He that is born King of the Jews?" MOISHE King of the Jews? AVIAD COHEN See Schneerson was born in the Ukraine. He never went to Israel. MOISHE Right. AVIAD COHEN This is pretty simple stuff, man. I mean, it's not that hard to figure out. I mean if you wanna go, I can go on. Ya know? That's if you can handle it. MOISHE There's more? AVIAD COHEN Yeah there's more! See, the Messiah would be k**ed before The destruction of the temple Here I'll show you. In Daniel 9:26 "And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off and have naught And the people of a coming prince shall Destroy the city and the Set-Apart place." See now in Mattithyau 27:50-51 it reads, RABBINIC POLICE This is the Rabbinic police! You are under arrest! Drop your Bible now! AVIAD COHEN "And Yeshua cried out again With a loud voice, and gave up His spirit. And see, the veil of the Dwelling Place Was torn in two from top to bottom." CHASSIDIC VICE COP 1 Freeze, Cha**idic Vice! CHASSIDIC VICE COP 2 Don't move! Don't move! AVIAD COHEN Whoa, slow your roll Hebrew Homies! It's not my fault Jesus is The Jewish Messiah. I'm just telling you the Truth. MOISHE He's right. TV ANNOUNCER Cha**idic Vice Will continue after Shabbos