Yeah, yeah, that was me. You got photos? You got a private detective? well, then take my offer of this five dollars or a shot of Johnny Walker Black--your choice--and we'll just pretend this never happened. I'd like to think that i can buy your silence but the truth is--and this is why the joke is on you--that nobody would even give a f** to buy your information. this town is chock full of scandal and rumors and alibis and barflys and by this point we're all a little immune to a stumbling, fumbling drunk who went back on a few promises and grand statements. I did my time I shook off my parole I made my peace and I went away like I was supposed to. and the very idea that someone like you would want to dig up old wounds is more of a reflection of your sorry state than anything I could imagine about myself. You make me feel good, you know that? You make me feel real good. Man, let me buy you a drink. Here's a few quarters, put anythingyou want on the box. Put it on the jukebox. Yeah yeah, Barry White, he's real good, I like the way he sings. I like the way he moves. You know what I mean.
hey don't write that down. what's wrong with you, man. put that away. That's off the record. You oughta learn to relax, drink your drink. talk about something, man. who do you like in the playoffs? Yankees? Man, what's wrong with you? I'll tell you a secret; the secret is I"ve got no secrets to tell and even if I did I wouldn't tell them to you. I live a life out of detection, clear of inspection and I go my way and do what I want. Just like you should do. drink your drink and go home. and forget this ever happened. Go home. It's on me. and take this pack of smokes. It's okay. You can take the lighter too. I move in mysterious ways I get lost between the days Drift along in the fog and haze Underneath the radar