A story is told, of a demon like man Way back in the dark, a forsaken land Taker of souls into the depths of hell Taker of souls on earth he dwells Taker of souls can you hear the cries Taker of souls why do they have to die A legend tells, of the vicious beast Attacking the land, k**ing the weak Hacking, slashing they fought the beast Bodies lie scattered slaughtered sheep Take on this creature, may be too strong Fate of the village, destiny's born
Ooooh destroy the beast Ooooh destroy the beast Fought like true soldiers, for family and god Losing no option, carry on Women and children lives are at stake With blood and sweat they died that day Ooooh destroy the beast Ooooh destroy the beast Destroy the beast... He'll take your soul, to hell, to hold You'll never, be free again his servant until life's end Can't fight this unholy force In hell, life takes it's course In hell, life takes it's course