No more feelings, cyber acting This is how our brain's corrupted Changing colours, life is falling Under new computers' calling New expression, mental pressure See the face of mankind's mission Words of power, al are lying Under global world's empire Resistance is futile, cybernetic dominion inexorable Binary minds, circuits of plasma You are just numbers and I am your master CYBER CONTROL Fight! Exterminate them all CYBER CONTROL Brains and muscles are harder than titanium CYBER CONTROL Fight! Exterminate them all CYBER CONTROL
Raise your swords in the name of the Rebels of Steel Magma is boiling, swords are forged All is ready for the final conflict Sentient carbon-based forms of life Stand against the Lord of Wires Intruders alert, multiple thermo-detected threat The system is cracked, the virus is spreading Implosion imminent: 3...2...1 CYBER CONTROL Fight! Exterminate them all CYBER CONTROL Brains and muscles are harder than titanium CYBER CONTROL Fight! Exterminate them all CYBER CONTROL Raise your swords in the name of the Rebels of Steel