What could I possibly contribute with? Thoughts are already thought Acts are already acted Still, we keep on writing Like it was something we were forced to do. Time changes Everything stays the same Feels like an old record The same riff The same road The same destination Were dust, no doubt Organized in systems and orders Calculated and weighted Measured and examined. The unending need for knowledge; The strive for a better place Science! The unending urge The unending love For things that destroy us Something out of the normal Individuality, the dead term Though Not a fingerprint is even Nor a voice the same The will to do
What has been done The will to think, What has been thought The will To be To act To love To care To listen To think To break, Break free out of systems; Beneficial wars Good riots The remedy to a better place A new system If the record is good If the riff is great If the order is meaningful I dont min living in a cycle Even this is heard before This is no new statement I guess it is how we humans are built Built to express our selves... and Built to be Built to do Built to love Built to care Built to listen Built to think Built to break free Break free! Oh you just got to break free