The Mavericks
The Mavis's
The Max Levine Ensemble
The Maxies
The Mayan Factor
The MayBe CraZy
The Mayfield Four
The Mayflies USA
The Maytags
The Maytals
The MC Correct
The MC Type
The mccaffrey folk singers
The McClymonts
The Mccoys
The McCrarys
The MCGuffin Show
The McGuire Sisters
The Mclymonts
The MDH Band
The Meads of Asphodel
The Meanwhiles
The Meat Purveyors
The Meatmen
The Medic Droid
The Medication
The Medics
The Meditations
The Meeting Places
The Meeting Tree
The Meg And Dia Band
The Megaphonic Thrift
The Megas
The MeKanics
The Mekanix
The Mekons
The Mel-Tones
The Meligrove Band
The Melismatics
The Melker Project
The Mellomen
The Melodians
The Melodic
The Melodies
The Melody Makers
The Meltdown
The Melvins
The Members
The Membranes
The Memorials
The Memories
The Memory Band
The Memphis Horns
The Men
The Men (US-CA)
The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing
The Men They Couldn't Hang
The Men They Couldt Hang
The Mend
The Mendoza Line
The Mentalist
The Menzingers
The Mercury Arc
The Mercy Cage
The Mercy House
The Meridian
The Merry Thoughts
The Merry Wives Of Windsor
The Merry-Go-Round
The Merrymakers
The Merseybeats
The Mess
The Mess Hall
The Messenger
The Messenger Birds
The Messengers
The Messiah
The Metal Hearts
The Meteors
The Metermaids
The Meters
The Methadones
The Method Actors
The Meto
The Metro Voices
The Metronomes
The Metros
The Miami Dolphins
The Michael Gungor Band
The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library
The Michalaks
The Mick Fleetwood Band
The Mick Fleetwood Blues Band
The Mickey Mouse Club
The Micronaut
The Microphones
The Mid-Summer Cla**ic
The Middle East
The Middle Floor
The Midi Mafia