The Duckworth Lewis Method
The Ducky Boys
The Dude
The Dudes
The Dudley Corporation
The Duel
The Duela
The Duhks
The Duke & The King
The Duke Spirit
The Dukes
The Dukes Of Stratosphear
The Dumes
The Dumplings
The Dunwells
The Dunwich Children's Chorale
The Duprees
The Durutti Column
The Duskfall
The Dust Brothers
The Dust Collectors
The Dust Of Men
The Dustbowl Revival
The Dutch
The dutchess & the duke
The Dutchmater
The Dwellas
The Dying Arts
The Dying Tree
The Dykeenies
The Dylan Group
The Dylans
The Dynamics
The Dynospectrum
The E-Types
The Eagle Rock Gospel Singers
The Eagles
The Eames Era
The Earlies
The Earls
The Earls of Leicester
The Earls of Mars
The Early Bird Specials
The Early November
The Early Years
The Earth
The Earth Laid Bare
The Earthquake Brothers
The Earthquake Institute
The East Side Girlz
The Easter Brothers
The Eastern Sea
The Easton Ellises
The Eastside Boyz
The Easy Outs
The Easybeats
The Eccentric Opera
The Echo-Friendly
The Echocentrics
The Echoes
The Echoing Green
The Eclectic Moniker
The Economist
The Ecstasy Of Saint Theresa
The Ectoplasm Ensemble
The Eden House
The Eden Project
The Edgar Winter Group
The Edge
The Edwin Hawkins Singers
The Effection
The Effects
The Effinays
The Effort
The Egg
The Egos
The Egyptian Lover
The Eighteenth Day Of May
The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster
The Einstein Cla**ical Music Collection for Baby
The Ejected
The Elbow Choir
The Elderberries
The Elders
The Elected
The Electric Eels
The Electric Elves
The Electric Hellfire Club
The Electric Prunes
The Electric Soft Parade
The Electric Sons
The Electric Swing Circus
The Electro Swingers
The Electrophonics
The Elev3n
The Elevaterz
The Eleventh Hour