I am the one of corruption Headless I dont give a f** from the time that I was liquid I hated the concept of life Dead to the world I was forming Inside your stomach I rot I should have been k**ed but Instead by your choice I was not Zygote's Revenge I am the one of corruption I'll say it again cause it's true from the time that I was liquid I hated the thing that I do Inside you I began growing Then came the light of your crotch Now that I'm breathing It's your fault that I'm a botch
Severed from the noose Installed inside of you I wish I was never born at all Now that I am breathing Now I seek revenge Now that I hate everything It's you I'm out to bend Severed from your f**ing guts Suffering from impotence Eating life you forced upon Vengance is what bile was You've always hated lunatics So why'd you f** one I'm your rotted apple Maggots infest Failed reproduction We broke like gla** You've always hated lunatics