Dana, You My Sweet old baby I love, Danny, You're the man one one can stop You from. You know, it happened last night never to end you where where the big Boy I Was The Bad girl Oh,Bad Girl Bad,Oh hohoho Oh Bad Girls,bring your elibys,not the be seen agein no... Wash Up.By The Sea Agein,never to be Seen Agein,we where,beter then the world The Big Girls Took Are Place From Us,No We Did Not Servive agein.we left agein. If You.Dont Hear Us.We'll shout,Bad Girls,Stop.By the shore. had good merorys. but thats over now see what you can do now Save Me.big girls Tackle me.Not To Make A Sceanary.but Big girls are
the art.no thats not what this is about,you all called,join us.we will not sickseed or plant are seed's but we are tired of weed. Big Girls,Tiny Inocent girls Bad Girls,Make the Sceanary. BAD GIRLS,SWEET AND INOCENT. WE ROCK DONT REGRET IT YEA OH . MAKE A Sceanary DONT LEAVE THE SENTRY!. NEXT GEN IT'LL BE LIKE THE BAD GIRLS ARE EARTH Next Gen, We Will Eiliby,Nonono not the big girls we are strong and tough.thay are like a musem look at them you get bored of'em cya later,we got more to do then big girls,thay work we make a scean thay wait,we cant take it any more.Bad girls... next gen, cya later girls...