Adam was an innocent archetype before he ate from the fruit of the Tree-of-Knowledge-of-Good-and-Evil
Rhea was angry at Cronus for having eaten her other children so she hid Zeus and put a rock in his place to trick Cronus
Cronus was a villain for letting his thirst for power lead him to devour his own children
Hecatoncheires threw down hundreds of boulders helping Zeus defeat his father, Cronus, and the other titans in the Epic Battle
Eve was deceived by the snake into disobeying God's order of eating from the Tree-of-knowledge-of-Good-and-evil
Typhoeus was the most feared of Gaea's children but, was defeated by Zeus, the leader of the Gods
Years went by and Adam and Eve conceived two children Cain and Abel
Prometheus sided with Zeus against the other Titans
Eventually the giants tried to defeat the Gods too,but they were defeated(giants).