Here are the most important figures in Alchemy:
Hermes Trismegistus
Isaac Newton
Nicholas Flamel
John Dee Agathodaimon
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa
Al-Farabi - Alfarabi
Abu' l-Qasim al-Iraqi
Al-Kindi - Alkindus
Arnold of Villanova
Elias Ashmole
Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina - Avicenna
William Backhouse
Roger Bacon
Johann Joachim Becher
Jacob Boehme
Petrus Bonus
Giuseppe Francesco Borri
Wei Boyang
Robert Boyle
Tycho Brahe
Hening Brand
Alessandro Cagliostro
Thomas Charnock
Melchior Cibinensis
Cleopatra the Alchemist
Oswald Croll
John Dastin
Arthur Dee
Edmund Dickinson
Gerhard Dorn
Claude Duval
Edward Dyer
Johann Georg Faust
Dionysius Andreas Freher
Johannes Nicolaus Furichius
Jābir ibn Hayyān - Geber
Jan Baptist van Helmont
Thomas Henshaw
François Hotman
Edward Kelley
Anton Josef Kirchweger
Heinrich Khunrath
Johann Kunckel
Alain de Lille
Andreas Libavius
Ramon Llull
Albertus Magnus
Michael Maier
Mary the Jewess
Jean de Meung
Johann Daniel Mylius
Thomas Norton
Olympiodorus of Thebes
Eirenaeus Philalethes
Pope John XXII
James Price
Ali Puli
Gilles de Rais
Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi - Rhazes
George Ripley
Martin Ruland the Elder
Martin Ruland the Younger
Johann Friedrich Schweitzer
Michał Sędziwój
Richard Stanihurst
George Starkey
Stephen of Alexandria
Count of St Germain
Daniel Stolz von Stolzenberg
August Strindberg
Franz Tausend
Bernard Trevisan (Bernard of Treves)
Johannes Trithemius
Ibn Umail
Baro Urbigerus
Basilius Valentinus - Basil Valentine
François Béroalde de Verville
Georg von Welling
Johann Christoph von Wöllner
Khalid ibn Yazid - Calid
Yogi Vemana
Zhang Guo the Elder
Zosimos of Panopolis (ca. 300 AD)