Good morning, not far from the edge?
Quite a view you've got up here, funny, do I sound sincere?
Believing what you can among the ignorance you're offered
I swear to God this world will never learn
Like to see a change in you, couple of things I'd rearrange in you
A fabricated challenge that you never fail to mention
Oh yes, the whole world hates you, but none of it's your fault
Primary responsibility... in full effect psychology
My friend, you might be able to configurate the question
But you'll surely cop, you malenprop, and fulfill my prediction!
God! I can't stand the sound of your voice, unnecessary irrelevant
Racist noise, employ a difference in your world in this lifetime
Not the next, because the coffin where you sleep
May be forever where you lay
Mister sandman I am, to sleep with you, you dunce-capped earth
You won't remember anything that I haven't told you
The choice isn't yours, I'm thinking, now it's time to sleep...