i get banged up a lot, like a pinky toe on coffee table legs, and rocks buried in the snow you should leave your jacket outside, inside's too warm it's just a thought; you'll wear what you've always worn i get banged up (oh) i get banged up (oh) i get banged up a lot, like a pinky toe on escalator steps and welcome mats that say hello splitting hairs with an axehead, a chair, a plow one hair yesterday is worth two hairs now when we die, we'll be alone again so i want to get your everything i move my fingers like a mouse, to get the cat's eye i tried to breathe without my mouth, and i almost died something's wrong, somethings worn-out, used up, untied; your loudest voice, worn down to the faintest sigh i get banged up (oh) i get banged up (oh) when we die, we'll be alone again so i want to get your everything there's a moth beating at the metal screen there's your cloth waiting to get its seam by the sewing machine i get your brown tail, i get your heartache; i get banged up, banged up, bang bang bang (bang bang bang, i get banged up, bang bang bang) no-one should be alone;
no-one should have space no one should be alone, no one, no one no one should be alone no one, no one no one should be alone no one, no one no one should be alone no one, no one i get banged up a lot, like a pinky toe on jagged floorboards and all your softest clothes the ones you wore so much your elbows made elbow holes and, leaning on the ice, you can feel the cold i get banged up (oh) i get banged up (oh) i wish i could be like all the other toes, the bigger ones that don't need to watch where they go. don't worry, dear, we're on the inside, the outside's so far nothing bad happens here in our little home when we die, our feet will disappear, and our legs will follow within a year and turn clear i get your brown tail, i get your heartache; i get banged up, banged up, bang bang bang (bang bang bang, i get banged up, bang bang, bang bang bang) no-one should be alone; no-one should have space no one should be alone, no one, no one no one should be alone no one, no one no one should be alone no one, no one no one should be alone no one, no one