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To Hannibal Hamlin Springfield, Illinois, September 4, 1860 HON. HANNIBAL HAMLIN. MY DEAR SIR:—I am annoyed some by a letter from a friend in Chicago, in which the following pa**age occurs: "Hamlin has written Colfax that two members of Congress will, he fears, be lost in Maine, the first and sixth districts; and that Washburne's majority for governor will not exceed six thousand." I had heard something like this six weeks ago, but had been a**ured since that it was not so. Your secretary of state,—Mr. Smith, I think,—whom you introduced to me by letter, gave this a**urance; more recently, Mr. Fessenden, our candidate for Congress in one of those districts, wrote a relative here that his election was sure by at least five thousand, and that Washburne's majority would be from 14,000 to 17,000; and still later, Mr. Fogg, of New Hampshire, now at New York serving on a national committee, wrote me that we were having a desperate fight in Maine, which would end in a splendid victory for us. Such a result as you seem to have predicted in Maine, in your letter to Colfax, would, I fear, put us on the down-hill track, lose us the State elections in Pennsylvania and Indiana, and probably ruin us on the main turn in November. You must not allow it. Yours very truly, A. LINCOLN.