Aaron Sorkin - The Social Network (Scene 6) lyrics


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Aaron Sorkin - The Social Network (Scene 6) lyrics

INT. PHOENIX HOUSE - NIGHT The MUSIC CONTINUES as EDUARDO and other prospective new members, all wearing tuxedos, are lined up in four rows. The boy at the front of each row has a bottle of Jack Daniels and drinks as long as they can before pa**ing the bottle, relay style, to the boy in back of him as a few seniors look on. EDUARDO gets handed the bottle and starts in as we CUT TO: INT. CLASSROOM - DAY It's an Art History cla** and as we run past the rows of STUDENTS we see that they all have the same painting up on their laptops as the PROFESSOR gives his lecture. When we get to MARK's laptop we see that he's writing code and we CUT TO: INT. SECOND DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY GAGE: From Mark Zuckerberg to Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss. December 10, 2003. “This week has been pretty busy thus far with cla**es and work so I think it's probably best to postpone the meeting.” CUT TO: INT. CAMERON AND TYLER'S DORM ROOM - NIGHT CAMERON, TYLER and DIVYA are reading the e-mail. DIVYA (reading) “I'm also really busy tomorrow.” (beat) Anybody else feel like there's something up with this guy? CAMERON Tell him okay but we've gotta make sure that we meet up before we all go off for break. CUT TO: INT. EDUARDO'S DORM ROOM - NIGHT EDUARDO's at his desk on the phone when an envelope that says “Phoenix” is slipped under his door. He turns and looks to see it... CUT TO: INT. MARK'S DORM ROOM - NIGHT Every available wall space is covered with a diagram or a printout. EDUARDO comes in with the envelope. 45.EDUARDO Mark-- MARK I need a dedicated Linux box running Apache with a mySQL backend. It's gonna cost a little more money. EDUARDO How much more? MARK Two-hundred more. EDUARDO Do we need it? MARK Gotta handle the traffic. EDUARDO Do it. MARK I already did. EDUARDO Hey, guess what? (shows MARK the envelope) I made the second cut. MARK Good job. You should be proud of that right there, don't worry if you don't make it any further. EDUARDO I'll get outa here. CUT TO: INT. SECOND DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY The MUSIC CONTINUES-- GAGE (reading) From Mark Zuckerberg to Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss and Divya Narendra. December 15, 2003. “I have a cs problem set that I'm just getting started with and it should be about 15 hours of coding so I'll be busy tomorrow night.” CUT TO: 46.INT. PFORZHEIMER DINING HALL - NIGHT DIVYA (reading) “I won't really be free to meet until next Wednesday afternoon.” CAMERON and TYLER give each other a look--”Is this guy flaking out?” CUT TO: INT. SECOND DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY GAGE (reading) “...have to cancel Wednesday afternoon. I've basically been in the lab this whole time and also...” CUT TO: INT. HAMBURGER JOINT - NIGHT DIVYA's reading off his blackberry to TYLER and CAMERON-- DIVYA (reading) “Won't be able to do Saturday as I have to meet up with my parents to...” CUT TO: EXT. HARVARD YARD - NIGHT The MUSIC CONTINUES-- It's snowing and cold as hell. EDUARDO's now with a smaller group of prospective members, most of whom are in their underwear with a couple of them wearing pants. They're all blue and shivering. They're gathered around a statue of John Harvard as a senior announces-- SENIOR As the plaque reads, this is John Harvard, founder of Harvard University in 1638. It's also called The Statue of Three Lies. What are the three lies, Mr. Dowd? (beat) Mr. Dowd. SOPh*moRE The three lies-- (beat) The first-- 47. (MORE)(beat) sh**! SENIOR Take your pants off. EDUARDO I know. SENIOR Mr. Saverin. EDUARDO 1) Harvard was founded in 1636, not 1638. 2) Harvard wasn't founded by John Harvard and 3) That's not John Harvard. SENIOR Who is it? EDUARDO A friend of the sculptor, Daniel Chester. SENIOR Keep your jacket on. And as another kid simply falls to his hands and knees and throws up, we CUT TO: INT. SECOND DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY GAGE 39 days after Mr. Zuckerberg's initial meeting with my clients and he still hadn't completed work on HarvardConnection. But on January 11, 2004-- CUT TO: INT. MARK'S DORM ROOM - DAY A website called Network Solutions is up on Mark's screen. He hits a couple of keys and waits intently. Then the computer shows him what he wanted to see-- www.theFacebook.com--DOMAIN NAME REGISTERED GAGE (V.O.) Mr. Zuckerberg registered the domain name theFacebook via network solutions. CUT TO: INT. SECOND DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY GAGE To the best of your knowledge, had he even begun work on HarvardConnection? EDUARDO Not to my knowledge, no. CUT TO: INT. PORCELLIAN - NIGHT CAMERON's looking at his e-mail. CAMERON What in the world is this? (reading) “Hey Cameron. I'm still a little skeptical that we have enough functionality in the site to really draw the attention and gain the critical ma** necessary to get a site like this to run. We'll speak soon.” CUT TO: INT. SECOND DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY GAGE This is the first time he mentioned any problem? DIVYA Yes it was. GAGE You'd sent 36 e-mails to Mr. Zuckerberg and received 16 return e-mails and this was the first time he indicated he was not happy. DIVYA That's correct. He had 42 days to study our system and get out ahead on-- MARK Do you see any of your code on Facebook? GAGE (help me) Sy, could you-- SY (calming him) Mark-- 49.MARK Did I use any of your code? DIVYA You stole our whole goddam idea! SY Fellas. MARK Match-dot-com for Harvard guys? GAGE Can I continue with my deposition? MARK You know you really don't need a forensic team to get to the bottom of this. If you guys were the inventors of Facebook you'd have invented Facebook. DIVYA I can't wait to stand over your shoulder and watch you write us a check. MARK No sh**? SY (to GAGE) Let's continue. DIVYA's still staring at MARK, who just smiles a little as he looks down. GAGE (beat) February 4th, 2004-- CUT TO: INT. COMPUTER SCIENCE LAB - DAY MARK is working at a station. We can see through the windows that it's a frigid, snowy February day in Cambridge but MARK's in his hoodie and cargo shorts nonetheless. It looks like he hasn't slept in days. On his monitor we can see that he's working on the profile page for theFacebook. DUSTIN MOSKOVITZ steps up to him quietly. DUSTIN Mark? (pause) Mark. MARK turns his head and looks at him... 50.DUSTIN (CONT'D) (quietly) There's a girl in your art history cla**. Her name is Stephanie Attis. Do you happen to know if she has a boyfriend? MARK just keeps looking at him--barely even blinking--”Why am I being interrupted?” DUSTIN (CONT'D) (beat) Have you ever seen her with anyone? (beat) And if not, do you happen to know if she's looking to go out with anyone? MARK (pause) Dustin. People don't walk around with a sign on them that says-- And MARK stops short right there. Because in his head, he's just discovered the cure for cancer. DUSTIN (pause) Mark? EXT. COMPUTER SCIENCE BUILDING - DAY As MARK, with his backpack stuffed, comes flying out of the building and into the snow, barely keeping his balance on the ice and we CUT TO: INT. KIRKLAND HOUSE/LOBBY - MORNING The heavy door bursts open and MARK comes busting through. He makes his way with speed and intent up a flight of stairs. Then another. And then another until he gets to his floor. He sprints down his hall toward his dorm room and barely notices EDUARDO leaning against the door. EDUARDO We were supposed to meet at 9. MARK is searching the pockets of his shorts for his keys. EDUARDO (CONT'D) Have you slept yet? MARK opens the door and they go into his suite-- 51.MARK I have to add something. EDUARDO What? MARK's in his own world as he sits at the computer and calls up theFacebook. The home page fills the screen. EDUARDO (CONT'D) (simply) sh**. (beat) That looks good. (beat) That looks really good. MARK It's clean and simple. No Disneyland, no Live Nude Girls. The CAMERA surveys the screen as MARK slips through some functions to show EDUARDO and we see things that are now familiar--A photo, s**, a profile, a list of attributes, a poke application, etc. MARK (CONT'D) But watch. MARK's called up a the Emacs program and quickly writes out several lines of code... EDUARDO What'd you write? MARK goes back to the profile page. There's a new area to be filled in... MARK “Relationship Status”, “Interested In”. (beat) This is what drives life at college. Are you having s** or aren't you. It's why people take certain cla**es, and sit where they sit, and do what they do, and at its, um, center, you know, that's what theFacebook is gonna be about. People are gonna log on because after all the cake and watermelon there's a chance they're actually gonna-- EDUARDO --get laid. MARK (over): --meet a girl. Yes. EDUARDO That's really good. MARK (beat) And that's it. EDUARDO (beat) What do you mean? MARK It's ready. EDUARDO It's ready? MARK Yeah. EDUARDO Right now? MARK That was it. And here's the masthead. MARK hits another couple of keystrokes and the website's masthead comes up. EDUARDO You made a masthead. MARK Yeah. EDUARDO (reading) “Eduardo Saverin. Co-Founder and CFO.” MARK Yeah. EDUARDO You have no idea what that's going to mean to my father. MARK Sure I do. EDUARDO (pause) When's it gonna go live? MARK: Right now. Get your laptop out. EDUARDO Why do we need my laptop? MARK Because you've got e-mails for everyone at the Phoenix. EDUARDO (beat) I'm not sure if it's gonna be cool with them that I spam their-- MARK This is not spam. EDUARDO No, I know it's not spam-- MARK If we send it to our friends it'll just bounce around the Dworkin. EDUARDO I haven't gotten in yet. MARK: These guys know people and i need their e-mails. EDUARDO (beat) Sure. MARK Good. EDUARDO takes out his laptop-- MARK (CONT'D) Gimmie the mailing list. EDUARDO “Jabberwock12.listserv@Harvard E-D-U.” MARK opens up an e-mail and is writing a short message, then includes a link to the site-- MARK These guys. They're literary geniuses because the world's most obvious Lewis Carroll reference-- EDUARDO They're not so bad. MARK I'm just saying. EDUARDO You're right. He hits “Send”. MARK The site's live. EDUARDO (pause) You know what? Let's go get a drink and celebrate. I'm buying. MARK is staring at the computer... EDUARDO (CONT'D) Mark? MARK doesn't hear him. We just see MARK's head from the back and it's ever so slightly bobbing back and forth... EDUARDO (CONT'D) (pause) Mark? (beat) Are you praying?

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