Aaron Sorkin - The Social Network (Scene 5) lyrics


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Aaron Sorkin - The Social Network (Scene 5) lyrics

CUT TO: INT. LARGE MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM - NIGHT The hall has been converted into “Alpha Epsilon Pi Caribbean Night, 2003” and the party is about as lame as it sounds. What's important is that this couldn't be less like the final club party we saw at the beginning if they were playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Some potted palm trees have been brought in along with a steel drum set. The man playing the steel drum set has a yarmulke bobby pinned to his thinning hair. A table with a punch bowl and a**orted cookies is nearby. EDUARDO, in baggy cargo shorts and a Hawaiian shirt bu*toned up to the top, is standing with a few similarly dressed friends, including DUSTIN MOSKOVITZ and CHRIS HUGHES, in the sparsely populated room. On the other side of the room are a few girls--all Asian. One of the girls is wearing a bikini over her clothes. A television monitor has been set up with a DVD running of Niagara Falls. EDUARDO: It's not that guys like me are generally attracted to Asian girls. It's that Asian girls are generally attracted to guys like me. DUSTIN: I'm developing an algorithm to define the connection between Jewish guys and Asian girls. EDUARDO: I don't think it's that complicated. They're hot, they're smart, they're not Jewish and they can't dance. CHRIS: Mark's here. They see MARK come in and look around. EDUARDO waves him over... EDUARDO (calling): Mark. MARK sees EDUARDO and waves him over to where he is. He wants to talk privately. EDUARDO (CONT'D): I'll be right back. EDUARDO joins MARK in the back of the room and they take up a spot next to a bay window that's covered on the outside with ice. MARK: I think I've come up with something. EDUARDO: Hang on, I've gotta tell you something you're not going to believe. MARK: What? EDUARDO: I got punched by the Phoenix. MARK (beat): Are you kidding? EDUARDO: No. I mean it's just the first of the four step process but they slipped the invitation under my door tonight. I go to the first punch party tomorrow and if they like me-- MARK: You got punched by the Phoenix. EDUARDO (pause): It was, you know...it was probably just a diversity thing. It was just a diversity thing. I'll just ride that horse until-- what did you want to talk to me about? (pause): Mark? MARK: Yeah. EDUARDO: You said you've come up with something. It seems like MARK's just made a small decision in his head. MARK (pause): Yeah. I think I've come up with something. Come outside. EDUARDO: It's 20 degrees outside. MARK: I can't stare at that loop of Niagara Falls which has nothing to do with the Caribbean. CUT TO: EXT. QUAD - NIGHT MARK and EDUARDO come outside and are immediately met by the freezing cold air. MARK: People came to Facemash in a stampede, right? EDUARDO: Yeah. MARK: It wasn't because they saw pictures of hot girls. You can go anywhere on the internet and see pictures of hot girls. EDUARDO: Yeah. MARK: It was because they saw pictures of girls that they knew. People want to go on the internet and check out their friends. Why not build a website that offers that? Friends, pictures, profiles, whatever you can...visit, browse around, maybe it's somebody you just met at a party. I'm not talking about a dating site. I'm talking about taking the entire social experience of college and putting it online. EDUARDO: I can't feel my legs. MARK: I know, I'm totally psyched about this, too. But Wardo-- CUT TO: INT. FIRST DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY EDUARDO: “It would be exclusive”. CUT BACK TO: EXT. QUAD - NIGHT MARK: You'd have to know the people on the site to get past your own page. Like getting punched. EDUARDO: That's good, that's new. MARK: Wardo, it's like a Final Club except we're the president. CUT TO: INT. FIRST DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY EDUARDO: I told him I thought it sounded great. It was a great idea. There was nothing to hack, people were going to provide their own pictures, their own information. And people had the ability to invite--or not invite--their friends to join. See, in a world where social structure was everything, that was the thing. (beat): It was a big project and he was going to have to write tens of thousands of lines of code so I wondered why he was coming to me and not his roommates. Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes they were programmers. CUT TO: EXT. QUAD - NIGHT MARK: We're gonna need a little start-up cash to rent the servers and get it online. CUT TO: INT. FIRST DEPOSITION ROOM - NIGHT EDUARDO: That was why. GRETCHEN: Did he offer terms? CUT TO: EXT. QUAD - NIGHT MARK: We'll split it 70-30. 70 for me 30 for you for putting up the thousand dollars and handling for everything on the business end. You're CFO. CUT TO: INT. FIRST DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY GRETCHEN: And you said? EDUARDO: I said “Let's do it”. GRETCHEN: Okay. Did he add anything else? EDUARDO: Yes. CUT TO: EXT. QUAD - NIGHT MARK: It probably was a diversity thing but so what? CUT TO: INT. FIRST DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY GRETCHEN: Why do you think he said that? SY: Gretchen, excuse me for interrupting but whose discovery is this? GRETCHEN: Sy, if you'll let me continue with my line of questioning-- SY: What are you suggesting? MARK: They're suggesting I was jealous of Eduardo for getting punched by the Phoenix and began a plan to screw him out of a company I hadn't even invented yet. GRETCHEN: Were you? SY: Gretchen-- MARK: Jealous of Eduardo? SY: Stop typing, we're off the record. MARK: Ma'am, I know you've done your homework and so you know that money isn't a big part of my life, but at the moment I could buy Mount Auburn Street, take the Phoenix Club and turn it into my ping pong room. CUT TO: EXT. QUAD - NIGHT EDUARDO's walking away and calls back to MARK-- EDUARDO (calling): I'll let you know how the party is. We stay on MARK for a moment longer, his wheels turning, before we CUT TO: INT. SECOND DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY EDUARDO's in different clothes and being questioned by GAGE. GAGE: We recognize that you're a plaintiff in one suit involving Facebook and a witness in another. EDUARDO: Yes sir. GAGE: At any time in the weeks prior to Mark's telling you his idea, did he mention Tyler Winklevoss, Cameron Winklevoss, Divya Narendra or HarvardConnection? EDUARDO: Yes. He said they'd asked him to work on their site but that he'd looked at what they had and decided it wasn't worth his time. He said even his most pathetic friends knew more about getting people interested in a website than these guys. GAGE: “These guys” meaning my clients. EDUARDO: Yes. He resented--Mark resented that they-- your clients, thought he needed to rehabilitate his image after Facemash but Mark didn't want to rehabilitate anything. With Facemash he'd hacked into the Harvard computers, he'd thumbed his nose at the Ad Board, he'd gotten a lot of notoriety. Facemash did exactly what he wanted it to do. MARK kind of nods a little to himself. It should be noted that these depositions have an extra element of discomfort as everything is being said within a few feet of the people being talked about. GAGE: Were you aware that while Mr. Zuckerberg was building TheFacebook he was also communicating with the plaintiffs? EDUARDO: Not at the time I wasn't, but it really didn't have much to do with the Winklevoss's dating-- TYLER: You weren't there! GAGE: Ty. (to EDUARDO): Were you aware that while Mr. Zuckerberg was building TheFacebook, he was leading the plaintiffs to believe he was building Harvard Connection? SY: You're offering a conclusion not found in evidence. GAGE: We're about to find it in evidence. MUSIC kicks in that will tie this next section together as we CUT TO: INT. MARK'S DORM ROOM - NIGHT Two printouts of web pages are taped to a white board-- ”Friendster” and “MySpace”. Under the two pages, MARK draws a third page and titles it “NewCo”. CUT TO: INT. SECOND DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY GAGE (reading): From Mark Zuckerberg to Tyler Winklevoss. November 30, 2003. “I read over all the stuff you sent me re Harvard Connection and it seems like it shouldn't take too long to implement, so we can talk about it after I get all the basic functionality up tomorrow night.” CUT TO: INT. MARK'S DORM ROOM - NIGHT The whiteboard is filled with diagrams now--login page, profile page, create account...We move over to see MARK at his computer. He opens the Emacs program and then Firefox, hits a few keys and the diagram on the whiteboard comes to life on his computer as we CUT TO: INT. SECOND DEPOSITION ROOM - DAY GAGE: From Mark Zuckerberg to Cameron Winklevoss. December 1, 2003. “Sorry I was unreachable tonight. I just got about three of your missed calls. I was working on a problem set for my systems cla**.” CAMERON and TYLER are looking blankly at MARK who's giving them a casual “I'm not scared of you” look and we CUT TO:

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